We Remember 2015
We Remember is a memorial to Minnesota’s victims of intimate partner homicide. Each of these victims is someone’s child, parent, sibling, family member, intimate partner, friend, neighbor, or co-worker.

Krista Fisherman
Age 35
February 13, 2015
Krista Marie Fisherman, 35, of Redby, was found near a mall in Bemidji with several stab wounds on February 13. Brian Keith Jourdain, 25, of Bemidji, was identified from video surveillance as the person with Krista at the mall before the stabbing, according to court documents. Krista was found lying in the street a short time later. Krista was transported to Sanford Bemidji Medical Center where she was pronounced dead. She was stabbed at least four times, with one wound proving fatal. Jourdain had 8 different domestic violence related charges against him between 2008 and 2015. They were all dismissed, with the last one being dismissed less than a year before he killed Krista. Brian Jourdain was convicted of second-degree unintentional murder and sentenced to eight years and four months in prison, and four years and two months of supervised release. Krista leaves behind four minor and two adult children.

Lanaea Harrison
Age 23
Norwood Young America
March 11, 2015
On March 11, Lanaea Ann Harrison, 23, was killed by her boyfriend, Milo Willis Leistiko, 51, who then committed suicide. At the time of the murder, they were both residing in Norwood Young America. The evidence found at the scene indicates Leistiko shot and killed Lanaea. He then placed her body in a waterfowl decoy bag before turning the gun on himself and taking his own life. Leistiko has domestic assault and procuring prostitution convictions in his criminal history. According to the authorities, law enforcement had been called to the home “a half-dozen times” since 2007 on reports of theft, child custody disputes, and other concerns. Lanaea leaves behind a toddler son.

Linda Boehme
Age 65
Granite Falls
March 17, 2015
Linda Kay Boehme, 65, was killed by her boyfriend, Chad C. Laraby, 53, in her Granite Falls home on March 17th. Police found Linda unresponsive with head and facial injuries. She was flown to Hennepin County Medical Center, where she died as a result of severe head trauma. Laraby was charged in Yellow Medicine County District Court with second-degree murder in her death. He has an extensive criminal history which includes several dismissals for sexual assault and disorderly conduct charges, six misdemeanor convictions for disorderly conduct, and additional convictions for trespassing, theft and drunken driving. He was convicted of 2nd-Degree Murder - Without Intent While Committing a Felony and sentenced to 240 months in prison. Linda is survived by three adult children and five adult step-children.

Esther Muchina-Dobie
Age 39
March 30, 2015
Esther Nyambura Muchina-Dobie, 39, was shot in the head by her husband Rodney Terrell Dobie, 41, before he killed himself. Police found their bodies on March 30th at a house in Savage while responding to a welfare-check call from Esther's employer after she didn't report for work that morning. Esther was last seen leaving work March 28th. Neighbors shared that the couple had moved into the neighborhood within the past 12 months, and that police had visited the home about two weeks before the homicide. Authorities believe Rodney Dobie used a 9 mm Glock handgun to shoot Esther once in the head, then fatally shot himself in the head. According to a death announcement, Esther was buried in her home country of Kenya.

Samirria White
Age 19
Saint Paul
April 4, 2015
Samirria White, 19, was shot and killed by her boyfriend, Dimitri Harrell, 21, in the early hours of April 5th, at an apartment in St. Paul. Witnesses, including Samirria White’s siblings who were at the apartment, stated that they had heard an argument between the couple in which Samirria told Harrell she wanted to break up with him. She was later heard asking Harrell not to point his gun at her. Harrell shot Samirria once in the head. He was Gone On Arrival when the police responded and found Samirria’s body on the floor of the bedroom. She was declared dead at the scene. Samirria was holding the couple’s three-month-old daughter at the time Harrell killed her. Dimitri Harrell was convicted of Murder - 2nd Degree - With Intent - Not Premeditated in Samirria’s death and sentenced to 366 months in prison.

Ayan Abdulahi
Age 21
April 11, 2015
Ayan Abdi Abdulahi, 21, of Bloomington, was shot and killed by her boyfriend, Ahmed Abdirahim Abdi, 17, in south Minneapolis on April 11th. The Hennepin County Medical Examiner said Ayan was shot in the head. A relative of Ahmed Abdi’s who also lived in the home reported the shooting after hearing a gunshot in Ahmed’s room and seeing him run out the back door. An investigation led to Ahmed’s arrest on April 24th in Kansas City, Missouri where he was staying with relatives. Ahmed Abdi was convicted of 2nd-degree murder.

Mai Nhue Her
Age 41
Saint Paul
May 12, 2015
Mai Nhue Her, 41, was taken to Regions Hospital in St. Paul because of a head injury on May 12. She died from her injuries on May 15. Police arrested her husband on suspicion of murder but he was not charged. The medical examiner was unable to determine Mai Nhue’s cause of death.

Carol Lee Alexander-Pickart
Age 76
May 15, 2015
Carol Lee Alexander-Pickart, 76, was killed by her husband, Jerome "Jerry" Ralph Pickart, 84, on May 15th, at their home in Winona. Carol was found dead of a single gunshot wound to the head in her living room. Jerome Pickart was found near Carol with a self-inflicted gunshot wound. He was transported to the hospital and died two days later. Police confirmed that this was a murder-suicide.

Lisa Isham
Age 52
May 16, 2015
Lisa Isham, 52, was killed by her ex-boyfriend, William Holisky, 63, on or about May 16th. Lisa was found dead in her Duluth home two weeks later on May 30th. She was stabbed numerous times with a knife. Holisky has an extensive history of violence against women, with at least three felony assault convictions on his record, including the use of firearms against an ex-girlfriend and assaulting a corrections officer. He was granted the right to own and possess firearms in 2010, after he had served a prison sentence for shooting into the house of an ex-girlfriend who had a protective order against him. In 2011, the New York Times did a profile on Holisky as part of a piece about felons who were allowed to own and possess firearms by the court. William Holisky was convicted of second-degree intentional murder and sentenced to 30 years in prison for killing Lisa Isham. Lisa leaves behind two children.

Addison Hillard
Age 58
Saint Paul
May 29, 2015
58-year-old Addison Hillard was stabbed and killed by his girlfriend, 47-year-old Sherry Henderson, on May 29th, at their apartment in St. Paul. Police were summoned more than 12 hours later and learned that the stabbing occurred during an argument while Henderson and Addison were drinking. Sherry has a history of violence, including violence against Addison. Nearly two years ago, Henderson used a knife to slash Addison, but no charges were filed. According to the autopsy report, Addison’s stab wound was 5.5 inches deep and went through his lung and into the pulmonary artery. The Medical Examiner determined that Addison would not have survived even if he had received immediate medical attention for his stab wound. Addison’s daughter told the police that her father had recently shared with her that he wanted to break up with Sherry because of the physical abuse. Sherry was convicted of 2nd-degree murder and sentenced to 15 years in prison. Addison was the father of two children.

Anthony Morgan
Age 21
June 10, 2015
Anthony Morgan, 21, was stabbed and killed by his girlfriend Biana Jackson, 22, on June 10th, in South Minneapolis at his apartment. Police were called to the apartment on the report of an assault with a knife. Anthony was taken to the Hennepin County Medical Center where he was pronounced dead upon arrival. According to the Medical Examiner, Anthony Morgan died of a sharp force injury to the neck. Biana was convicted of 2nd-degree murder without premeditation and sentenced to 12 years in prison.

Elizabeth Gregg
Age 45
June 11, 2015
Elizabeth Gregg, 45, was killed by her boyfriend, Dwayne Alan Case, 29, at a campsite near Franklin on June 11th. Elizabeth died as a result of a broad-head arrow perforating her stomach and liver. Her body was found under a blanket in a tent she was sharing with Case.
Dwayne Case was discovered at the campsite with a self-inflicted gunshot wound to his head as a result of an attempted suicide. Case had told an acquaintance he wanted to commit suicide prior to the murder and attempted suicide. A few months prior to the homicide, Case had been charged with physically and sexually assaulting Elizabeth. There was a Domestic Abuse No Contact Order (DANCO) barring Case from seeing or contacting Elizabeth. Dwayne Case was convicted of 2nd-degree murder and sentenced to 415 months in prison in connection with Elizabeth's death.

Shelley Walley
Age 69
July 29, 2015
Shelley Walley, 69, was shot and killed by her husband, William Walley, 78, who then turned the shotgun on himself and committed suicide at their home near the rural town of Madison. Law enforcement performed a welfare check on the couple on July 29th and discovered their bodies in the living room.

Krista Ambers
Age 36
Brooklyn Park
August 6, 2015
Krista Ambers, 36, was murdered on August 6th in her Brooklyn Park home by her live-in boyfriend, Toby Nicholas Clarke, 37. When police arrived at the home in response to a report of an unconscious person, Krista was found without a pulse and had injuries to her neck and arms. According to the Medical Examiner the cause of death was strangulation. Krista's family stated that they had seen visible marks of abuse on her in the past, and expressed concern. Clarke has an extensive history of domestic abuse in both criminal and civil courts and also served prison time for kidnapping a former victim in 2000. Between 1997 and 2015, Clarke had 12 different charges stemming from domestic violence incidents filed against him, 10 of which were dismissed. 3 of these charges stemmed from an assault against a former intimate partner in October of 2014 and all of them were dismissed on June 1, 2015, two months before Toby Clarke fatally strangled Krista. Toby Clarke pleaded guilty to 2nd-degree unintentional murder and was sentenced to 15 years in prison. Krista leaves behind three children.

Kelly Anderson
Age 45
South Saint Paul
August 7, 2015
Kelly Ann Anderson, 45, was stabbed to death by her boyfriend, Thomas Luby, 58, in his South Saint Paul home. On August 7th, Luby called 911 and told a dispatcher he killed a woman. When police arrived, they found Kelly dead in the living room. According to the Medical Examiner, Kelly had cuts on her right jawline, chin, neck, and a fatal wound to the base of her neck. Scratches on her stomach and swelling to her lips and right eye were also present. The Medical Examiner stated that Kelly had two deep cuts to the outside of her hand, which were consistent with defensive wounds. In April 2016, Luby was convicted by a jury for first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison but the verdict was overturned on appeal to the state Supreme Court. In December 2018, Luby was found guilty of second-degree murder for stabbing Kelly and sentenced to 29 years Kelly leaves behind two children.

April Erickson
Age 41
August 23, 2015
April Erickson, 41, was shot and killed by her husband, Todd Larry Tennin, 31, in their home in Maplewood on August 23rd. Two of April’s children, a 16-year-old girl and a 12-year-old boy, along with their 15-year-old friend, were present at the time of the homicide. The children found her body and contacted a neighbor who then contacted authorities. April told a friend that Tennin had been severely abusive to her in the past and that his behavior was escalating. Tennin has an extensive criminal history, including several previous charges of assault and illegal possession of firearms. Records show that police were called to the home at least eight times within the last two years, including twice this past year — most recently, three weeks before April’s murder. Todd Tennin was charged in Ramsey County with 2nd-degree murder. April was the mother of four children. She had been attempting to leave the relationship.

Grace Van Norman
Age 36
Forest Lake
September 8, 2015
On September 8th, 36-year-old Grace Ann Van Norman was suffocated by her 27 year-old boyfriend Lauren Mason Grove Lynch at his apartment in Forest Lake. Law enforcement responded to a report of a foul smell by a neighbor and found Grace dead in the living room. The Medical Examiner ruled that Grace died due to homicidal violence, with the primary cause of death being asphyxiation. Lynch confessed to punching Grace, strangling her, suffocating her with a pillow, and stabbing her with a kitchen knife several times. Lynch lived in the house with her body for three days until police arrived at the apartment. Lauren Lynch did not have any previous documented history of domestic violence and was charged with 2nd-degree murder for killing Grace.

Karen Short
Age 48
Cole Short
Madison Short
Age 15
Brooklyn Short
Age 14
September 8, 2015
Karen Short, 48, was murdered by her husband, 45-year-old Brian Short, shortly after he shot and killed their three teenage children, Cole, 17; Madison, 15; and Brooklyn, 14; as they slept. Brian Short then committed suicide in their Greenwood home. Investigators estimate the deaths occurred on September 7th or September 8th, although the bodies were not found until September 10th. It was determined that Brian Short shot and killed Karen as she attempted to call 911 for help; he had purchased the gun a few days before the homicides.

Ramona Turner
Age 54
Saint Paul
September 17, 2015
On September 17, 54-year-old Ramona “Mona” Turner, was shot and killed by 56-year-old John “Jack” Gordon Weisner Jr., her partner of over 40 years, in their Saint Paul home. Jack Weisner then stabbed himself several times in an attempt to commit suicide. According to family, Mona had been attempting to leave the relationship for the last five years. Jack assaulted Mona in 2009 which resulted in a misdemeanor domestic assault conviction. She reported the abuse to law enforcement and her family, and sought an Order for Protection against him at that time. According to media reports, there were several instances of Weisner controlling Mona and perpetrating abuse against her. Mona, who had two sons with Weisner, was killed in the presence of one of her sons and his girlfriend.

Eugenia Tallman
Age 48
September 25, 2015

Victoria Alvarez
Age 15
September 25, 2015
Eugenia “Gina” Tallman, 48, and her 15-year-old daughter, Victoria Alvarez were shot and killed by her husband, Gonzalo Galvan, 50, in their South Minneapolis home. The couple’s 7-year-old son was present at the time of the murders and was taken into protective custody. Gina had recently communicated to a family member that she had planned to leave the relationship. Galvan told law enforcement that he had confronted Gina after finding several backpacks filled with money, accusing her of threatening to "leave him and take his son away from him." Court records indicate that Galvanhad three separate 5th-degree assault-domestic charges (1995, 1997, 2001), none resulted in convictions. Gonzalo Galvan was convicted of first-degree murder in the deaths of Gina and Victoria and sentenced to life in prison.

Flowera Ransom
Age 48
October 1, 2015
Flowera Ransom, 53, was killed by her husband Wayne Ray Watson, 51, on October 1st at their residence in Northeast Minneapolis. Autopsy results confirmed that Ransom died as a result of stab wounds to her neck. Court records show that Wayne Watson has a long history of crimes involving trespassing, disorderly conduct and drinking alcohol in public. He also has convictions for assault and drug possession and has had domestic abuse related charges dismissed in the past. In October 2016, Wayne Watson pleaded guilty to second-degree manslaughter and was sentenced to 93 months in prison.

Steven Sandberg
Age 60
Saint Cloud
October 18, 2015
Investigator Steven Sandberg, 60, was shot and killed in St. Cloud Hospital on October 18th as he was monitoring the shooter, 50-year-old Danny Hammond. Dannny Hammond was wanted by police for assaulting and kidnapping his wife in the days prior to the murder of Investigator Sandberg. According to media reports, Hammond had been abusive to his wife for the past 25 years and she told him she wanted a divorce on October 10th. In response, he physically assaulted her, intimidated her with firearms, and kept her captive overnight while threatening to kill her and commit suicide. The victim was able to convince Hammond to let her go to her father’s house where she contacted law enforcement. Investigator Sandberg was one of three deputies who responded to her call for help. On October 12th, Hammond was charged with multiple counts including kidnapping, assault and terroristic threats, and a warrant was issued for his arrest. The same day, officers found him unresponsive at his house and Danny Hammond was transported to the St. Cloud Hospital where law enforcement presence was requested due to the seriousness of his violence against his wife. Investigator Sandberg was monitoring Danny when he assaulted the officer, got a hold of his gun, and shot him. Hospital staff subdued Danny by using a taser and he later died due to cardiac arrest. Investigator Sandberg leaves behind a daughter.

Rose Downwind
Age 31
October 20, 2015
Rose Downwind, 31, was killed by her ex-boyfriend Marchello Anthony Cimmarusti, 40, with whom she had three children, on October 20th. Rose was reported missing on October 21 and after a two month long search, Cimmarusti confessed to killing her. Marchello Cimmarusti had been abusive to Rose in the past and was charged with domestic assault against her on October 7th. As a result of those charges, a Domestic Abuse No Contact Order (DANCO) was put into place preventing Cimmarusti from contacting Rose. On October 20th, Cimmarusti assaulted and killed Rose as she attempted to take a video of him violating the DANCO. Cimmarusti’s cousin and friend assisted him in hiding Rose’s body which was found burned and buried in a shallow grave in December. Marchello Cimmarusti pleaded guilty to second-degree intentional murder and was sentenced to 35 years in prison. Rose leaves behind five children.

David Madison
Age 39
November 1, 2015
David Allen Madison, 39, was killed by Michael McIntosh, 37, on or about November 1st in Austin. His body was discovered in the Cedar River in Mower County on November 1st and an autopsy determined that he died due to strangulation and blunt force trauma. In the two weeks prior to David’s death, he told a number of people that McIntosh wanted to harm him. McIntosh was threatening David because David was involved in a relationship with McIntosh’s girlfriend while McIntosh was serving time in jail on a drug offense. McIntosh was released from jail two days before the murder. Michael McIntosh was sentenced to 15 years in prison for felony third-degree murder in the death of David, who leaves behind two young children.

Julie Hildreth
Age 49
November 8, 2015
Julie Ann Hildreth, 49, was shot and killed by her ex-boyfriend, John Joseph Plevell, 51, outside of the local American Legion in Aurora on November 8th. Julie’s current boyfriend told police he was outside the bar with her and when they went to re-enter the building, he heard what sounded like a deer rifle shot and saw Julie drop to the ground. Several bar patrons reported to police that Plevell had been in the establishment a short time earlier, was upset about Julie’s new relationship, and “suggested doing something to her and her new boyfriend if he saw them that evening.” At the time he killed her, Plevell was on pre-trial probation for a recent assault against Julie and was also subject to a Domestic Abuse No Contact Order (DANCO) that barred him from contacting or seeing her. According to court records, Plevell was arrested on September 1st on charges of misdemeanor domestic assault and disorderly conduct for beating Julie. He was released on September 3rd, on a $1000 bail and pled guilty to the disorderly conduct charge in October, for which he was scheduled to be sentenced on November 18th. John Plevell was convicted of intentional second-degree murder and sentenced to 35 years in prison. Julie leaves behind two children.

Adelle Jensen
Age 25
November 18, 2015
Adelle “Addie” Jensen, 25, has been missing since November 18, 2015. Her ex-boyfriend, Joshua Dow, 31, was convicted of interference with a dead body while concealing evidence in connection with Adelle's death. In May 2019, Dow was charged with second-degree murder. Addie’s family shared that she had been “struggling with a relationship” and had recently moved in with them. Addie leaves behind a two-year-old daughter that she had with Joshua.

Thomas Jenkins
Age 21
Saint Paul
December 5, 2015
Thomas Calvin Donald Jenkins, 21, was killed by his girlfriend Melissa Marie Fostvedt, 33, on the afternoon of December 5th in her St. Paul apartment. An autopsy found a fatal stab wound to Thomas’s chest, as well as a defensive wound on his left forearm. The examiner determined that he bled to death and his wounds were a result of homicide. Fostvedt’s three children were present at the time of the homicide. She has a criminal history that includes assault, disorderly conduct, and interference with 911. Melissa Fostvedt was convicted of 2nd degree murder without intent and sentenced to 16 and a half years in prison.

Dominic Jasper
Age 26
Saint Paul
December 10, 2015

Kavonta Pratt
Age 23
Saint Paul
December 10, 2015
Jamaine Jamie Williams, 24, shot and killed Dominic Larrel Jasper, 26, and Dominic’s friend Kavonta Lashawn Pratt, 23, at his ex-girlfriend’s apartment in St. Paul on December 10th. Dominic was dating Williams’ ex-girlfriend. Jamaine Williams showed up at the ex-girlfriend’s apartment a week prior to the homicide and “threatened to kill all of them” while waving a gun around. On the day of the homicide, Williams knocked on his ex-girlfriend’s door pretending to be the police. He then shot and killed both Dominic and Kavonta while injuring another friend of Dominic’s. Jamaine Williams has an extensive criminal history and has been charged with possession of firearms in the past. Williams was convicted of first-degree murder in the shooting deaths of Dominic and Kavonta and convicted of first-degree attempted murder in the shooting of another friend in the apartment. Jamaine Jamie Williams was sentenced to 153 months for the attempted murder and two life sentences — without the possibility of parole, all to run consecutively. Both Dominic and Kavonta leave behind young children.